Award Winning Appointment Booking Plugin

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BookingPress Affiliate Program

Why Join the BookingPress Affiliate Program?

Join the BookingPress Affiliate Program to earn up to 35% commissions while promoting a top-rated booking plugin, loved by 20000+ users worldwide.
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 Enjoy the highest commissions for every new sale generated by your referral link.
Guaranteed Commission Earnings

Guaranteed Commission Earnings

We offer a 90-day cookie period, so you’ll get paid if your referral comes back and makes a purchase within that time.

Sell Your Way

Sell Your Way

Promote BookingPress with links, banners, or personal recommendations your choice for maximizing earnings!
Regular Payouts

Regular Payouts

We handle all the payouts on a monthly cycle and the minimum payout balance is $50.

Advanced Tracking

Advanced Tracking

Access a dashboard with detailed information on clicks, purchases, and pending payments.
Instant and Smooth Signup

Instant and Smooth Signup

Sign up in less than 1 minute and get instant approval to start earning money straight away.

Why It's Easy to Sell BookingPress?

Most Popular WordPress Booking Plugin

45+ Free Premium Addons Without Extra Cost

Top Value with a Highly Competitive Price

Highest Downloaded Booking Solution

Why Wait Longer?

Easy Commission Structure

Enjoy a straightforward commission structure with BookingPress. Simplified earnings make it easy to maximize your income effortlessly!

Hassle Free Monthly Payment via PayPal and Payoneer.

Number of Sale

Earn commission (per Sale)

1-30 licenses
30-50 licenses
50+ licenses

What our Top Affiliate Partners Say


It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content
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