Award Winning Appointment Booking Plugin

Add-ons at No Extra Cost

Extend the functionality of BookingPress at no extra cost. Not Joking!!

Feature Add-ons


BookingPress add-on to calculate and add tax while booking an appointment


BookingPress add-on to generate the invoices for appointments

Cart Addon

BookingPress add-on to use Appointment as Cart

Custom Service Duration

BookingPress add-on to set custom time duration and price

Staff Member

Enable staff option throughout your website

Service Extra

With the help of this add-on you are able to add extra services.


Give discount coupons while booking an appointment

Deposit Payment

Allow partial payments to be charged to a customer while booking an appointment

Multiple Quantity

Allow customer to book an appointment for more than one person like guests or friends.

Happy Hours Pricing *

Set the special price of appointment depending on the hour of the day

Add your customers to a waiting list on fully-booked days. upon cancellation, assign those appointments instantly.


Addon to give tip to Staff Members on appointment booking

Location *

Set multiple locations of your agency

Service Package *

Allow you to create packages of multiple services

Recurring Appointments *

Allow your customers to book a series of recurring appointments in one session


Translate BookingPress in multiple languages

Advanced Discount *

Offer automatic discounts to your clients based on quantity and number of appointments.

Ratings and Review

Users can seamlessly rate and review staff members associated with offered services

Gift Card *

Offer personalized gift cards for services, providing customers with a convenient gifting solution.


Translate BookingPress in multiple languages

Ratings and Review

Users can seamlessly rate and review staff members associated with offered services

Payment Gateways


Book an appointment using PayPal payment gateway


Book an appointment using Stripe payment gateway


Book an appointment using Mollie payment gateway

Book an appointment using payment gateway


Book an appointment using Razorpay payment gateway


Book an appointment using 2Checkout payment gateway

PayPal Pro

Book an appointment using PayPal Pro payment gateway


Book an appointment using PagSeguro payment gateway


Book an appointment using Braintree payment gateway


Book an appointment using Paystack payment gateway


Book an appointment using PayUMoney payment gateway


Book an appointment using Paddle payment gateway


Book an appointment using klarna Payment Gateway


Book an appointment using PayFast payment gateway


Book an appointment using Square payment gateway


Book an appointment using WorldPay payment gateway


Book an appointment using Skrill payment gateway


Book an appointment using WooCommerce Gateway

Mercado Pago

Book an appointment using Mercado Pago payment gateway


Book an appointment using ECPay Payment Gateway


Book an appointment using WooCommerce Gateway


ARMember Integration

Seamlessly integrate ARMember membership plugin for exclusive membership features

Google Calendar Integration

2way syncing with staff member’s Google Calendar

Outlook Calendar Integration

2way syncing with staff member’s Outlook Calendar

Zoom Integration

Integrates the Zoom for the online sessions

Zapier Integration

Integrate Zapier to send appointment data with trigger

Conversion Tracking

Bookingpress to track essential ecommerce events with Google Analytics 4.

Mailchimp Integration

BookingPress Mailchimp integration addon

AWeber Integration

BookingPress AWeber integration addon

Omnisend Integration

Integrate Omnisend to pass booked appointment data to an Omnisend account.

WhatsApp Notification

Addon to send WhatsApp notifications & reminders

SMS Notification

Addon to send SMS notifications & reminders

Google Captcha Integration

Integrate Google ReCaptcha with frontend booking form

Note: (*) Included in the Professional and Enterprise Plans Only.
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