Award Winning Appointment Booking Plugin
  • Premium Version
  • Free Version


Version 3.8 (12 July 2024)

  • Added a new feature to auto-login users upon booking
  • Added new language support for Calendar: Galego ( Galician )
  • Added new language support for Calendar: Hebrew
  • Improved: Label & Values will be displayed in the notifications for Radio, Checkbox, & Dropdown when a separate value option is enabled
  • Improved: Tax calculations with coupon discount code
  • Improved: Set payment status to ‘pending’ when adding an appointment from the backend with the ‘Send payment link’ option.
  • Fixed: Special days & holidays don’t get duplicated when duplicating service
  • Other minor bug fixes

Version 3.7.3 (28 June 2024)

  • Added a new option to enable/disable payment refund for staff from the staff panel
  • Added a new field ‘Booking ID’ in the exported appointment CSV
  • Improved: Scheduled notifications optimization with respect to performance loading
  • Fixed: Restricted staff member to book an appointment with another staff from the staff panel
  • Fixed: Appointment Rescheduling timeslots not rendered in client timezone
  • Fixed: Service extra were not considered while rescheduling appointment
  • Fixed: Date format is not properly working with date pickers
  • Other minor bug fixes

Version 3.7.2 (10 June 2024)

  • Fixed: timeslots for rescheduling appointments are not proper when the client timezone option is enabled
  • Fixed: appointment date & time are not sent in the client’s timezone in notifications
  • Other Minor bug fixes

Version 3.7.1 (23 May 2024)

  • Improvements in responsive front-end UI
  • Other minor bug fixes

Version 3.7 (18 May 2024)

  • Added new PayPal Checkout method
  • Added a new facility to reschedule appointments from the email link
  • Added test email notification functionality for WordPress default mail
  • Added option to change placeholder of the file upload field
  • Fixed: The appointment end date was not displayed on the summary page for day-duration services
  • Other minor bug fixes

Version 3.6.1 (04 May 2024)

  • New: Added an option to set start time for timeslot grouping
  • Fixed: break hours displays as blocked with automatic staff selection
  • Other minor bug fixes

Version 3.6 (20 April 2024)

  • Added new functionality to import/export data from one website to another
  • Added support for the PGK currency
  • Added built-in language translations for Polish, Turkish, Dutch, Romanian, and Ukrainian
  • Improved: The login form now supports the Enter key to log in
  • Improved: Hide custom field details in the appointments expand view if the field visibility is hidden or conditional
  • Other minor bug fixes

Version 3.5.1 ( 01 April 2024 )

  • Fixed repeat holiday issues with Day service
  • Other minor bug fixes

Version 3.5 ( 23 March 2024 )

  • New: Added facility to set holidays for particular services
  • New: Added facility to prefill basic form field data with URL parameters
  • New: Added facility to change default BookingPress loader in frontend
  • Fixed: Number of persons not displayed in the exported CSV file of the appointments.
  • Fixed: Timeslot formatting is not proper with certain languages
  • Fixed: Share time slot along with category issue with day services
  • Other minor bug fixes.

Version 3.4.1 (08 March 2024)

  • Minor bug fixes

Version 3.4 (02 March 2024)

  • New: Added facility to repeat holidays ( General & Staff members’ ) with multiple options
  • New: Added facility to set minimum capacity with Multiple Quantity module
  • New: Added facility to set service start date
  • Other minor bug fixes

Version 3.3.2 (17 February, 2024)

  • Fixed: Holiday Calendar is not displayed properly with certain timezones
  • Fixed: Decimal price throws an error with the Stripe payment gateway with a certain scenario
  • Other minor bug fixes

Version 3.3.1 (31 January, 2024)

  • SMTP Username & Password settings are now optional ( for certain hosting providers that doesn’t require them)
  • Other minor bug fixes

Version 3.3 (25 January, 2024)

  • New: Added new repeater field when multiple quantity module is enabled.
  • New: Added facility to set Discount (coupon) Code title
  • Fixed: share timeslot between all services across category not working with cart
  • Fixed: days got blocked when last slot get booked with any staff member option
  • Fixed: sorting on appointment grid not proper with amount and appointment duration
  • Fixed: due amount displayed incorrect in payment screen
  • Other minor bug fixes

Version 3.2.2 ( 27 December, 2023 )

  • Added: Created Date in exported appointments CSV file
  • Fixed: The backend date range picker is not proper in the mobile view
  • Fixed: backend calendar rendering issue with the first day of the week set to ‘Sunday’
  • Fixed: service buffer time conflicts with certain timeslot step settings
  • Fixed: The service extra’s duration doesn’t get included in the appointments grid
  • Fixed: Date picker and dropdown styling issue
  • Frontend & Backend Performance Optimization
  • Other minor bug fixes

Version 3.2.1 (16 December, 2023 )

  • Fixed: When a custom field value contains a comma, the exported appointment CSV becomes misaligned.
  • Fixed: Service-specific multiple breaks are not considered with any staff option.
  • Fixed: Unreserved timeslots become unavailable when one appointment ends at midnight the next day.
  • Fixed: The appointment export button is not visible on small screens.
  • Fixed: Rescheduling appointments does not provide the proper duration if the service is booked with a custom service duration add-on.
  • Other minor bug fixes

Version 3.2 (08 December, 2023)

  • Added new language for frontend calendar: Finnish
  • Fixed: Double Booking problem with any staff member & cart add-on
  • Fixed: Buffer calculation problem with the same staff member & different services
  • Fixed: Reply to Name & From Name displays wrong characters in test email with different languages in Google/Gmail APIs
  • Fixed: The error message “Sorry, Booking can not be done” error displayed in certain cases
  • Other minor bug fixes

Version 3.1.2 ( 25 November, 2023 )

  • Fixed: Reply to Name & From Name displays wrong characters in emails with different languages with Google/Gmail APIs
  • Fixed: Front-end Booking Calendar translation not proper in some language(s)
  • Fixed: Buffer time before/after not blocking the timeslot properly with certain settings
  • Fixed: one staff member was assigned multiple times on the same timeslot with different services when choosing any staff option and having the cart
  • Fixed: service duration displays wrong when the appointment ends at 00:00 ( 24:00 ) and the appointment is booked with a recurring add-on
  • Update: Georgian language translation update for the Booking Calendar
  • Other minor bug fixes

Version 3.1.1 ( 11 November, 2023 )

  • Fixed: Dropdown field design z-index problem
  • Fixed: page gets auto scrolled in mobile device if service & staff member step is set to hidden
  • Other minor bug fixes

Version 3.1 (04 November 2023)

  • Added new facility to select ‘Date Range’ in holidays for admin
  • Added new two languages for the frontend Calendar: Latvian & Azerbaijan
  • Added new two custom email notification options for ‘No-Show’ & ‘Completed’ appointment status
  • Added 23:30 to 00:00 (next day) option while adding special days for the company ( overall ) and specific staff members.
  • Improved: Calculation for Minimum time required before booking with a 1-day option
  • Improved: Auto assignment of a staff member will happen after selecting the timeslot in case of any staff member option or hidden staff member.
  • Improved: Breaks calculation for working hours and special days
  • Fixed: Validation message doesn’t hide for dropdown after selecting/changing the option
  • Fixed: Repeated Holiday not working if holiday added in the previous year
  • Fixed: The time is wrong in the ICS file when the booking time ends at 00:00 ( next day )
  • Other minor bug fixes

Version 3.0.2 (08 October 2023)

  • fixed: break timings of service work hours not working
  • fixed: design conflict with the email address of staff member displayed in the booking form
  • Other minor bug fixes

Version 3.0.1 (05 October 2023)

  • Minor bug fixes

Version 3.0 (02 October 2023)

  • New: Added new Elementor block option for service selection
  • New: Added two new currencies supporting SCR ( Seychellois Rupee ) & XAF ( Central African Franc )
  • Improvements in front calendar loading performance
  • Fixed: Keyboard not displayed in iPhone/iPad device for searching customers in add/edit appointment section
  • Fixed: Dropdown field not properly displayed in the mobile device if option contains the lengthy value
  • Fixed: Reschedule appointment didn’t respect to ‘Period available for booking in advance ( days )’ option
  • Fixed: Customer count is not properly displayed in the Dashboard
  • Fixed: Dashboard revenue does not get updated properly

Version 2.9.1 (28 August 2023)

  • Added support for new currency: KYD
  • Fixed: Reschedule appointment if the selected date & time are passed
  • Fixed: RTL layout changes with file upload field
  • Other minor bug fixes

Version 2.9 (15 August 2023)

  • Added new language support for the frontend calendar: Norwegian.
  • Set staff member field as required to prevent booking an appointment without staff from the backend.
  • Fixed: sorting is not proper with the appointment date on the appointment page.
  • Fixed: appointment displays as rescheduled even if the date & time remain the same and changes are made to other sections.
  • Fixed: file upload field not working with the Arabic language.
  • Fixed: service name displays blank in summary step when service step is set to hide and either service extra or multiple quantity module is active.
  • Fixed: deprecated notices with PHP 8. x.x
  • Other minor bug fixes

Version 2.8 (31 July 2023)

  • Add a new form field for a booking form: Password
  • Added a new facility to export custom form fields with export appointments
  • Added hooks to display Google Meet & Zoom Meeting connection in ‘My Bookings’ to direct connect the meeting
  • Fixed: Displayed wrong date in ICS file in some cases
  • Fixed: Customer form fields don’t get prefilled in the basic details step even if the customer is logged in
  • Fixed: blank page issue with PHP version 8.x
  • Fixed: Automatic ‘Follow Up’ email send even if the notification is switched off.
  • Other minor bug fixes

Version 2.7 (24 July 2023)

  • Added facility to set ‘All’ as a default selected category from customized settings
  • Added new facility to display Service Extras in Booking Form Summary page ( without cart only )
  • Added new facility to share timeslots between same categorized services
  • Fixed: Customer Form Fields not pre-filled in Booking Form when the customer is already logged in
  • Fixed formatting issue with email notification subjects with the quoted text
  • Other minor bug fixes

Version 2.6.1 (19 July 2023)

  • Minor bug fixes

Version 2.6 (17 July 2023)

  • Improvement: The phone number field includes 0 after typing complete numbers and causing issues with SMS gateways
  • Fixed: Service sorting not properly working
  • Other minor bug fixes

Version 2.5.1 (03 July 2023)

  • Added a new attractive button for help
  • Improvements in the Backend Calendar page
  • improvements in design for RTL
  • Other minor bug fixes

Version 2.5 (23 June 2023)

  • Redesigned Backend Appointment Calendar
  • Improved Mobile Experience for Staff Members
  • Added a new filter to search with Appointment ID in the backend appointment page.
  • Added %coupon_code% placeholder for notifications to display used ‘Coupon Code’ with Booking
  • RTL design improvement for the BookingPress wizard
  • Updated backend customize form field preview with username & terms and condition fields
  • Fixed: %payment_method% replaced with a blank value when an appointment is booked with a cart
  • Fixed: any staff with the ‘least assigned by day’ rule doesn’t select the staff with 0 appointments
  • Other minor bug fixes

Version 2.2.1 (06 June 2023)

  • Minor Bug Fixes

Version 2.2 (05 June 2023)

  • Added facility to make email field optional while booking
  • Added new ‘Terms & Conditions’ field
  • Added new ‘Username’ field
  • Added a new facility to allow a staff member to manage his/her own working hours.
  • Added ‘reply-to’ email parameter ( for customer emails, reply-to email will be set to admin’s email and for admin email, reply-to email will be set to customer’s email )
  • Added a new tag for ‘deposit amount’ for email notifications
  • Improved loading performance of booking form
  • Fixed: Mac safari browser issue with calendar disabled dates
  • Fixed: Minify HTML causes issues
  • Other minor bug fixes

Version 2.1.2 (12 May 2023)

  • Minor bug fixes

Version 2.1.1 (06 May 2023)

  • Fixed: date & time section loading issue with some timezones
  • Fixed: Refund message is showing blank at the back-end
  • Other minor bug fixes.

Version 2.1 (01 May 2023)

  • Added an entirely new staff panel
  • Added support for MNT currency
  • Added placeholders for ‘service extras’ for email notifications
  • Fixed: disable dates that have no time slots available
  • Fixed: CC email not working with the PHP Mail method
  • Fixed: PHP 8.2 deprecation notices 
  • Other minor bug fixes

Version 2.0.1 (30 Mar 2023)

  • Minor bug fixes

Version 2.0 (22 Mar 2023)

  • Added a new option to send email notifications with GMail API
  • Added a new option to inherit time format from WordPress settings
  • The period available for booking in the advanced option can now be set up to 1095 days ( 3 years )
  • Fixed: Multiple days event doesn’t respect the service/staff capacity
  • Fixed: Full name not displayed in My Bookings section
  • Optimized frontend Booking Form performance.
  • Other minor bug fixes

Version 1.9 (07 Mar 2023)

  • Added new options in the customize area to set custom messages for date-time and summary steps.
  • Added an option to give one click full/partial refund for payments
  • Added a new facility to set the first day of the week in the calendar which will be set based on WordPress’s general setting
  • Added a new option to set messages for empty timeslots
  • Added new appointment cancel confirmation page while canceling appointment from the email link
  • Set localized Appointment dates based on the current site language
  • Replaced calendar to improve booking experience at the frontend booking form
  • Other minor bug fixes

Version 1.8 (18 Feb 2023)

  • Added a new placeholder to send payment_method value in email notifications
  • Added option to change service’s duration label in the Booking form from customize section
  • Optimized frontend Booking Form performance
  • Other minor bug fixes

Version 1.7 (06 Feb 2023)

  • Added new facility set service expiration date
  • Added new color for box borders
  • Added a new ‘number of person’ placeholder for email / SMS and WhatsApp notifications
  • Added new facility for sorting (re-ordering) staff members
  • Improved CSS for dark themes
  • Credit card numbers did not validate properly with a few cards
  • The fatal error generated with array_key_first when the PHP version is lower than 7.3.0
  • Other minor bug fixes

Version 1.6.1 (16 Jan 2023)

  • Minor bug fixes

Version 1.6 (13 Jan 2023)

  • Added New File upload field for Booking Form
  • Modified ‘Bring Guest with you’ module to “Multiple Quantity”
  • Modified Staff Member selection as a tab instead of the selection from the drawer
  • Improved Frontend performance
  • Other Minor bug fixes

Version 1.5 (13 Dec 2022)

  • Fixed: timeslots time difference ( 1 to 2 hours ) when timezone observing DST but following Standard Time at the present moment.
  • Fixed: MySQL version 5.5 compatibility
  • Other minor bug fixes

Version 1.4 (23 Nov 2022)

  • Minor bug fixes

Version 1.3 (09 Nov 2022)

  • Added a new facility to send a payment link to complete the payment for manually booked appointments and accept balance payment ( due payment ) for appointments that are paid with deposit payments
  • Other minor bug fixes

Version 1.2.1 (23 Oct 2022)

  • Minor bug fixes

Version 1.2 (11 Oct 2022)

  • Added new facility to share appointment URL
  • Other bug fixes

Version 1.1 (22 Sep 2022)

  • Minor bug fixes

Version 1.0.5 (10 Sep 2022)

  • Minor bug fixes

Version 1.0.4 (06 Sep 2022)

  • Minor bug fixes

Version 1.0.3 (01 Sep 2022)

  • Minor bug fixes

Version 1.0.2 (29 Aug 2022)

  • Minor bug fixes

Version 1.0.1 (17 Aug 2022)

  • Minor bug fixes

Version 1.0 (15 Aug 2022)

  • Initial release


Version 1.1.7 (26 July 2024)

  • Minor bug fixes

Version 1.1.6 (12 July 2024)

  • Added a new feature to auto-login users upon booking
  • Added new language support for Calendar: Galego ( Galician )
  • Added new language support for Calendar: Hebrew
  • Other minor bug fixes

Version 1.1.5 (28 June 2024)

  • Fixed: Date format is not properly working with date pickers
  • Fixed: Custom CSS not working with load js/css option is enabled
  • Other minor bug fixes

Version 1.1.4 (10 June 2024)

  • Minor bug fixes

Version 1.1.3 (23 May 2024)

  • Minor bug fixes

Version 1.1.2 (18 May 2024)

  • Added new PayPal Checkout method
  • Added test email notification functionality for WordPress default mail
  • Other minor bug fixes

Version 1.1.1 (4 May 2024)

  • New: Added an option to set start time for timeslot grouping
  • Other minor bug fixes

Version 1.1 (20 April 2024)

  • Added new functionality to import/export data from one website to another
  • Added support for the PGK currency
  • Added built-in languages translations for Polish, Turkish, Dutch, Romanian, and Ukrainian
  • Other minor bug fixes
  • Minor bug fixes

Version 1.0.188 ( 30 March 2024 )

  • Minor bug fixes

Version 1.0.87 ( 27 March 2024 )

  • Minor bug fixes

Version 1.0.86 ( 23 March 2024 )

  • Minor bug fixes

Version 1.0.85 (02 March 2024)

  • Minor bug fixes

Version 1.0.84 (19 February, 2024)

  • Fixed: Decimal value issue with final payable amount having four digits

Version 1.0.83 (17 February, 2024)

  • Fixed: Holiday Calendar is not displayed properly with certain timezones
  • Other minor bug fixes

Version 1.0.82 (31 January, 2024)

  • SMTP Username & Password settings are now optional ( for the certain hosting provider that doesn’t require it )
  • Other minor bug fixes

Version 1.0.81 (25 January, 2024)

  • Fixed: Norwegian language problem with calendar
  • Fixed: Holiday calendar rendering problem with certain timezone settings
  • Fixed: Appointment listing page sorting is not proper based on payment amount & duration
  • Other minor bug fixes

Version 1.0.80 ( 27 December, 2023 )

  • Fixed: backend date range picker is not proper in mobile view
  • Fixed: backend calendar rendering issue with first day of week set to ‘Sunday’
  • Frontend Optimization
  • Other minor bug fixes

Version 1.0.79 ( 16 December, 2023 )

  • Fixed: Datepicker doesn’t translated correctly for Swedish language
  • Other minor bug fixes

Version 1.0.78 ( 8 December, 2023 )

  • Added new language for frontend calendar: Finnish
  • Fixed: Reply to Name & From Name displays wrong characters in test email with different languages in Google/Gmail APIs
  • Fixed: The error message “Sorry, Booking can not be done” error displayed with certain cases
  • Other minor bug fixes

Version 1.0.77 ( 25 November, 2023 )

  • Fixed: Reply to Name & From Name displays wrong characters in email with different languages with Google/Gmail APIs
  • Fixed: Front-end Booking Calendar translation not proper in some language(s)
  • Update: Georgian language translation update for the Booking Calendar
  • Other minor bug fixes

Version 1.0.76 ( 11 November, 2023 )

  • Minor bug fixes

Version 1.0.75 ( 4 November, 2023 )

  • Added new facility to select ‘Date Range’ in holidays for admin
  • Added new two languages for frontend Calendar: Latvian & Azerbaijan
  • Fixed: Repeated Holiday not working if holiday added in the previous year
  • Other minor bug fixes

Version 1.0.74 (5 October 2023)

  • Minor bug fixes

Version 1.0.73 (3 October 2023)

  • Minor bug fixes

Version 1.0.72 (2 October 2023)

  • New: Added new Elementor block option for service selection
  • Improvements in front calendar loading performance
  • Fixed: Keyboard not displayed in iPhone/iPad device for searching customers in add/edit appointment section
  • Fixed: Dashboard revenue not get updated properly
  • Other minor bug fixes

Version 1.0.71 (28 August 2023)

  • Minor bug fixes

Version 1.0.70 (14 August 2023)

  • Minor bug fixes

Version 1.0.69 (11 August 2023)

  • Added new language support for frontend calendar: Norwegian.
  • Fixed: email notification not sent when appointment status got changed in case of WordPress default CRON is disabled
  • Other minor bug fixes

Version 1.0.68 (31 July 2023)

  • Minor bug fixes

Version 1.0.67 (24 July 2023)

  • Added facility to set ‘All’ as default selected category from customize settings
  • Fixed formatting issue with email notification subjects with quoted text
  • Other minor bug fixes

Version 1.0.66 (17 July 2023)

  • Minor bug fixes

Version 1.0.65 (3 July 2023)

  • Added new attractive button for help
  • Improvements in Backend Calendar page
  • improvements in design for RTL
  • Other minor bug fixes

Version 1.0.64 (23 June 2023)

  • Redesigned Backend Appointment Calendar
  • Improved Mobile Experience for Backend Appointment Calendar
  • Update backend customize form field preview with username & terms and condition fields
  • Other minor bug fixes

Version 1.0.63 (15 June 2023)

  • Minor bug fixes

Version 1.0.62 (5 June 2023)

  • Added facility to make email field optional while booking
  • Added new ‘Terms & Condition’ field
  • Added new ‘Username’ field
  • Added ‘reply-to’ email parameter ( for customer emails, reply-to email will be set to admin’s email and for admin email, reply-to email will be set to customer’s email )
  • Fixed: Mac safari browser issue with calendar disabled dates
  • Other minor bug fixes

Version 1.0.61 (12 May 2023)

  • Minor bug fixes

Version 1.0.60 (6 May 2023)

  • Added new Estonian language support for calendar.
  • Fixed: Multiple booking form shortcode on single page.
  • Other minor bug fixes

Version 1.0.59 (1 May 2023)

  • Added support for the MNT currency
  • Fixed: disable dates that has no any time slots available
  • Fixed: CC email not working with PHP Mail method
  • Fixed: PHP 8.2 deprecation notices
  • Other minor bug fixes

Version 1.0.58 (7 April 2023)

  • Minor bug fixes

Version 1.0.57 (30 Mar 2023)

  • Added compatibility with WordPress version 6.2
  • Minor bug fixes

Version 1.0.56 (22 Mar 2023)

  • Minor bug fixes

Version 1.0.55 (20 Mar 2023)

  • Added new option to send email notifications with GMail API
  • Added new option to inherit time format from WordPress settings
  • Optimized frontend Booking Form performance.
  • Other minor bug fixes

Version 1.0.54 (7 Mar 2023)

  • Minor bug fixes

Version 1.0.53 (4 Mar 2023)

  • Added new options in customize area to set custom messages for date-time and summary step.
  • Added new facility to set first day of week in calendar which will set based on WordPress general setting
  • Added new appointment cancel confirmation page while cancelling appointment from email link
  • Replaced calendar to improve booking exerience at frontend booking form
  • Added new option to set message for empty timeslots
  • Set localized Appointment date based on the current site language
  • Other minor bug fixes

Version 1.0.52 (18 Feb 2023)

  • Added new language support for calendar ( Portuguese for Portugal ).
  • Added option to change service’s duration label in Booking form.
  • Optimized frontend Booking Form performance.
  • Other bug fixes

Version 1.0.51 (6 Feb 2023)

  • Added support for ‘Deutsch (Sie)’, ‘Nederlands (België)’, and ‘Čeština’ language for calendar
  • Fixed: Add Shortcode button of BookingPress doesn’t work for Classic Editor with non-English languages
  • Minor bug fixes

Version 1.0.50 (13 Jan 2023)

  • Minor bug fixes

Version 1.0.49 (13 Dec 2022)

  • Minor bug fixes

Version 1.0.48 (21 Nov 2022)

  • Minor bug fixes

Version 1.0.47 (14 Nov 2022)

  • Minor bug fixes

Version 1.0.46 (2 Nov 2022)

  • Added compatibility with WordPress version 6.1
  • Minor bug fixes

Version 1.0.45 (22 Oct 2022)

  • Minor bug fixes

Version 1.0.44 (11 Oct 2022)

  • Added facility to share appointment booking URL from admin panel
  • Other minor bug fixes

Version 1.0.43 (3 Oct 2022)

  • Added support of HTML tags in service description
  • Added support of dynamic tags in email subject
  • Other minor bug fixes

Version 1.0.42 (21 Sep 2022)

  • Minor bug fixes

Version 1.0.41 (10 Sep 2022)

  • Minor bug fixes

Version 1.0.39 (1 Sep 2022)

  • Minor bug fixes

Version 1.0.38 (27 Aug 2022)

  • Minor bug fixes

Version 1.0.37 (22 Aug 2022)

  • Minor bug fixes

Version 1.0.36 (16 Aug 2022)

  • Minor bug fixes

Version 1.0.35 (14 Aug 2022)

  • Minor bug fixes

Version 1.0.34 (7 Aug 2022)

  • Introduced plugin installation wizard
  • Minor bug fixes

Version 1.0.33 (30 July 2022)

  • New look for Dashboard page
  • New look for Email notification page
  • Other minor bug fixes

Version 1.0.32 (28 July 2022)

  • Minor bug fix

Version 1.0.31 (23 July 2022)

  • Minor bug fix

Version 1.0.30 (18 July 2022)

  • Minor bug fix

Version 1.0.29 (18 July 2022)

  • Complete fresh look for customer panel
  • Improved mobile view for booking form
  • Improved ‘Delete Account’ view
  • Fixed : Elementor block notice/warning
  • Minor bug fixes

Version 1.0.28 (8 July 2022)

  • Minor bug fixes

Version 1.0.27 (4 July 2022)

  • Fixed : Gutenberg block issue.

Version 1.0.26 (2 July 2022)

  • Improved mobile view for booking wizard steps
  • Improvements in timeslot step options
  • Improvements in Gutenberg blocks
  • Other bug fixes.

Version 1.0.25 (25 June 2022)

  • Frontend booking form responsive improvements
  • Customize section improvements
  • Other bug fixes.

Version 1.0.24 (21 June 2022)

  • Customize section bug fixes.

Version 1.0.23 (20 June 2022)

  • Improvements in customization section
  • New look for ‘View appointment’ And ‘View Payment’
  • Other bug fixes.

Version 1.0.22 (3 June 2022)

  • Added new option for default appointment status for ‘On-Site’ payment gateway.
  • Other minor bug fixes.

Version 1.0.21 (27 May 2022)

  • Improved 24 hours booking slots facility
  • Improved mobile version layout
  • Other minor bug fixes.

Version 1.0.20 (25 May 2022)

  • Added new facility to set timeslot step for frontend booking
  • Minor bug fixes and improvements

Version 1.0.19 (13 May 2022)

  • Changed working hours default slot step from ’30 Mins’ to ’05 Mins’
  • Other minor bug fixes

Version 1.0.18 (7 May 2022)

  • Added new facility to ‘Add to Calendar’ for appointments
  • Added feature to select ‘All’ category option in the frontend booking wizard
  • Added feature to set pre-selected service for frontend booking wizard
  • Added facility to send category name in email notifications
  • Improvements in mobile UI
  • Minor bug fixes

Version 1.0.17 (26 April 2022)

  • Minor bug fixes

Version 1.0.16 (26 April 2022)

  • Minor bug fixes

Version 1.0.15 (16 April 2022)

  • Added feature to set breaks to ‘5 Minutes’ interval which was previously minimum ’30 Minutes’.
  • Added new facility to update service ‘Duration’ and ‘Price’ labels from Customize section for frontend booking wizard.
  • Allowed to set Zero ‘0’ in decimal numbers.
  • Other minor bug fixes

Version 1.0.14 (8 April 2022)

  • Added new feature to automatically hide payment method selection if only on-site payment gateway is enabled.
  • Security improvement
  • Other minor bug fixes

Version 1.0.13 ( 25 March 2022 )

  • Added new facility to share timeslots between all services.
  • Added facility to change the additional labels for booking wizard form.
  • Fixed : Emails not sent out when changing appointment status from ‘Manage Appointment’ page.
  • Fixed : customer phone number not displayed in email notification
  • Fixed : PayPal payment amount issue with Poland currency
  • Fixed : vuejs conflict with Jetmenu plugin
  • Other improvements and minor bug fixes

Version 1.0.12 ( 15 March 2022 )

  • Added new email notification tags for appointment date and time
  • Other minor bug fixes

Version 1.0.11 (25 February, 2022)

  • Security updates
  • Minor bug fixes

Version 1.0.10 (19 February, 2022)

  • Minor bug fixes and improvements

Version 1.0.9 (5 February, 2022)

  • Minor bug fixes

Version 1.0.8 (24 January, 2022)

  • Minor bug fixes

Version 1.0.7 (18 January, 2022)

  • Added new facility to display service description at front side.
  • Fixed : payment method selection with free services

Version 1.0.6 (7 January, 2022)

  • Added facility to allow Guest Customer Booking
  • Other minor bug fixes

Version 1.0.5 (4 January, 2022)

  • Minor bug fixes

Version 1.0.4 (4 January, 2022)

  • Added facility to use service placeholders for email notification message
  • Added facility to display time-slots in am and pm format
  • Other minor bug fixes

Version 1.0.3 (31 December, 2021)

  • Added In-built Arabic Language Translation
  • Other minor bug fixes

Version 1.0.2 (10 December, 2021)

  • Added facility to view and download payment transactions logs for PayPal payment gateway
  • Added new feature to inherit default font-family of theme for step-by-step booking wizard form
  • Added In-built Spanish Language Translation
  • Added In-built French Language Translation
  • Added In-built Russian Language Translation
  • Added In-built Dutch Language Translation
  • Other minor bug fixes

Version 1.0.1 (1 December, 2021)

  • Added block for Wp Bakery Page Builder
  • Other minor bug fixes

Version 1.0 (26 November, 2021)

  • Initial release