Award Winning Appointment Booking Plugin

Staff Member Dashboard

Staff Panel Compact Mode with BookingPress

The Staff Member’s Dashboard will be accessed only by the Staff Member.

BookingPress has Compact Mode from BookingPress Version 2.1 and Higher for the Staff Members.

Accessing the Compact Mode, Staff Members will be able to view Dashboard with the Access set by the admin from Staff Members Settings. For more information, click here.

staff member dashboard

From the Dashboard, staff members will be able to view the “Total Number Of Appointments, Number Of Appointments Approved, and the Number Of Appointments Pending.”  

After that, they will be able to view the Technical Analysis of Appointments, Revenue, and Customers in the form of Graphs.

They will also be able to view the Upcoming Appointments of the Service they are assigned, along with the service name, status, date, etc…


From here, Staff Members can filter search by service using the Dropdown. They will also be able to search the customer with the bookings by entering the Customer’s name, they will be able to filter the appointment status with the help of the dropdown.

Apart from that, staff members can also be able to view the bookings via Calendar (whether in Month, Week, or on Daily basis).


From here, staff members can filter the Appointments between date ranges, by searching the customer, selecting the service from the dropdown, or by the Status of the appointments.

If the admin has given the permissions to the staff members to Manage the Appointments, then can also be able to manage and delete the appointments.

staff members dashboard appointments


From this section, staff members will be able to Manage their Working Hours, Holidays, and Special Days as per their requirements.

Apart from this all, staff members will be able to edit their profile from “My Profile” where the staff member can change their name, phone number, email, etc….

They can view all of the services they are being assigned from the “My Services” section.

staff member timesheet


Now, Staff Members will be able to see their upcoming Appointment notification by clicking on the Notification Icon from the Top Right Corner of the page.

upcoming appointments notifications

Classic WordPress View

If the Staff Member has the allowance for accessing the Admin Panel from BookingPress -> Settings -> Staff Member Settings, then the customer can simply click on the WordPress Icon top right-side corner of the page next to the Notifications button.

access staff member admin panel

Now, if the Staff Member again wants to return to the Compact Mode then, he can simply click on the Profile option, and then click on the Compact Mode.

return to compact mode